In 1910 Japan, the small company Hitachi comes to life, which at the moment has grown to a world-famous corporation. After the talented engineer Namihei Odaira creates the first electric motor in Japan, he decides to open his own company and gives it the name after his hometown. In Japanese, this word means "sunrise". The name carries a positive message about helping people through technology and improving their quality of life. Most likely back then, over 100 years ago, the creator of the company had no idea how big and successful his creation would become, and how many people all over the world would be using Hitachi air conditioners.
At first, though, the company produces electric motors, then gradually expands the list of products, adding voltmeters, galvanometers, transformers, fans. By the middle of the twentieth century, Namihei Odaira’s creation expands, opening subsidiaries. Then in 1952, the country's first window air conditioner comes to the market. Similarly, In 9 years the Hitachi creates an aircon with a heat pump. Furthermore, after another 6 years, they produce AC that can dehumidify the air without lowering the temperature. Also, In 1978, they develops the first AC with temperature microsensors, with computer control.
The company has been successfully responding to the changing needs of people for over 90 years. And now it has long gone beyond Japan and has factories in other countries. It is already one of the largest productions in the world, with more than 347 thousand employees, and it continues to develop new technologies.
Nowadays your choice of Hitachi air conditioners here in Sydney are as followed:
- Single Split System
- Multi-Split System
- Cassette Type
- Ducted Air Conditioning
- Floor Mounted Console
This selection gives you a wide range of choices for a very reasonable price.
Here are the features you will obtain with a Hitachi air conditioner installation:
- multiple modes for setting up a comfortable climate in your home,
- both heating and cooling capabilities,
- Remote Control and control via Internet,
A choice of specialized filters and many more you can discover in the manual.